

Expertise in colour communication, colour design, machine learning and consumer insights, digital colour strategies.

Stephen has worked for over 35 years in academic and industrial colour research and has particular experience in colour measurement and communication in textiles, printing and teeth.

Stephen is a Director of Colour Intelligence Ltd and is also a Professor of Colour Science and Technology at the University of Leeds. In 2018/19 he was President of the Society of Dyers and Colourists. He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed articles on colour.



Expertise in colour measurement, colour imaging, colour appearance and 3D colour imaging.

Kaida has worked for over 20 years in in academic and industrial colour research and has particular experience in colour measurement and appearance of hair, skin and digital applications.

Kaida is a Director of Colour Intelligence Ltd and is also an Associate Professor of Colour and Imaging Science.  He is currently Associate Director of CIE Division 1 (Vision and Colour),



Expertise in data-driven colour design, colour nowcasting, experience design.

Peihua is an experienced colour researcher with a background in psychology, user experience design and colour science. She is working in the area of data-driven approach and colour forecasting. She is an Associate Consultant of Colour Intelligence Ltd.



Expertise in colour design, colour lighting and experimental design.

Soojin is an experienced colour researcher with a background in design and interior architecture. She obtained her PhD from the University of Leeds in the area of colour lighting and human aesthetics and is an Associate Consultant of Colour Intelligence Ltd.